australian grass treeの語源
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australian grass treeの主な意味と例文
- 1名詞
意味 - オーストラリアの草木
- オーストラリアの植物
- 草のような葉を持つ木
a plant native to Australia, known for its grass-like leaves and tall flower spikes
例文 The Australian grass tree can live for hundreds of years.
Many birds are attracted to the flowers of the Australian grass tree.
australian grass treeのWordNet
- 1名詞
意味 オーストラリアン・グラスツリー
any of several Australian evergreen perennials having short thick woody stems crowned by a tuft of grasslike foliage and yielding acaroid resins
和訳例 - オーストラリアン・グラスツリー
- Acaroid樹脂生成植物
- グラスツリー
同義語 - australian grass tree
- grass tree
上位語 having the shape or characteristics of a tree
被構成員 grass trees; sometimes placed in family Xanthorrhoeaceae
グラスツリー(草の木); 時々、ユリ科(キスゲ科)に分類される
- 2名詞
意味 豪州グラスツリー
stout Australian shrub with narrow leaves crowded at ends of branches and terminal clusters of white or pink flowers
和訳例 - 豪州グラスツリー
- 枝先に花をつける低木
- 頑丈な低木
同義語 - australian grass tree
- richea dracophylla
上位語 any heathlike plant of the family Epacridaceae; most are of the Australian region
被構成員 evergreen trees or shrubs of mountains of Australia and Tasmania