diabetic comaの語源
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diabetic comaの主な意味と例文
- 1名詞
意味 - 糖尿病性昏睡
- 糖尿病による昏睡状態
- 糖尿病昏睡
a life-threatening condition due to extremely high or low blood sugar levels in diabetes patients, leading to unconsciousness
例文 He was rushed to the ER due to a diabetic coma.
Proper diabetes management can prevent diabetic coma.
diabetic comaのWordNet
- 1名詞
意味 糖尿病性昏睡
coma that can develop in inadequately treated cases of diabetes mellitus
和訳例 - 糖尿病性昏睡
- 糖尿病昏睡
- 糖尿病による昏睡
同義語 - diabetic coma
- kussmaul's coma
上位語 a state of deep and often prolonged unconsciousness; usually the result of disease or injury
深くて長時間に及ぶ意識不明の状態; 通常は病気やけがの結果として