fibrous astrocyteの語源
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fibrous astrocyteの主な意味と例文
- 1名詞
意味 - 線維状星状細胞
- 線維性星状グリア細胞
- 神経グリア細胞
a type of glial cell found in the central nervous system, characterized by numerous long, thin processes.
例文 Fibrous astrocytes are found in white matter.
The role of fibrous astrocytes includes support and repair in the CNS.
fibrous astrocyteのWordNet
- 1名詞
意味 線維性星状細胞
star-shaped cells with long processes; found in the white matter of the brain and spinal cord
長い突起を持つ星型の細胞; 脳と脊髄の白質に見られる
和訳例 - 線維性星状細胞
同義語 - fibrous astrocyte
上位語 comparatively large neuroglial cell
被構成要素 whitish nervous tissue of the CNS consisting of neurons and their myelin sheaths