leboyer method of childbirthの語源
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leboyer method of childbirthの主な意味と例文
- 1名詞
意味 - ルボワイエ出産法
- ルボワイエ法
- 穏やかな出産技術
a technique for childbirth focusing on a gentle, non-traumatic entry into the world for the baby
例文 They chose the Leboyer method for their baby's birth.
The Leboyer method emphasizes a soft and quiet environment.
leboyer method of childbirthのWordNet
- 1名詞
意味 ルボイエ法
a method of childbirth that tries to minimize the trauma for the newborn; delivery occurs in a quiet dimly lit room and the infant's head is not pulled and immediate bonding between mother and child is encouraged
新生児のトラウマを最小限に抑える出産方法; 静かで薄暗い部屋で出産し、赤ちゃんの頭を引っ張らず、母親と子供の即時の絆を奨励する
和訳例 - ルボイエ法
同義語 - leboyer method of childbirth
- leboyer method
上位語 labor and childbirth without medical intervention; no drugs are given to relieve pain or aid the birth process
医療介入なしで行われる出産; 痛みを和らげる薬物や出産を助ける薬物が使用されない出産