maxwell's demonの語源
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maxwell's demonの意味
- 1名詞
意味 マクスウェルの悪魔
thought experiment challenging thermodynamics
a thought experiment that challenges the second law of thermodynamics by imagining a hypothetical creature that can sort particles to decrease entropy.
和訳例 - マクスウェルの悪魔
- 熱力学の思考実験
- エントロピーの挑戦
例文 Maxwell's demon suggests a way to decrease entropy.
The concept of Maxwell's demon involves a tiny creature sorting particles.
maxwell's demonのWordNet
- 1名詞
意味 マクスウェルの悪魔
an imaginary creature that controls a small hole in a partition that divides a chamber filled with gas into two parts and allows fast molecules to move in one direction and slow molecules to move in the other direction through the hole; this would result in one part of the container becoming warmer and the other cooler, thus decreasing entropy and violating the second law of thermodynamics
和訳例 - マクスウェルの悪魔
- マクスウェルのデーモン
- マクスウェルの思考実験
同義語 - maxwell's demon
被具体例 a creature of the imagination; a person that exists only in legends or myths or fiction
想像上の生き物; 伝説や神話やフィクションにしか存在しない人