mossy-cup oakの語源
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mossy-cup oakの主な意味と例文
- 1名詞
意味 - モシーカップ・オーク
- 苔状殻斗のオーク
a type of oak tree with mossy or hairy acorn cups
例文 The mossy-cup oak is native to North America.
We planted a mossy-cup oak in our backyard.
mossy-cup oakのWordNet
- 1名詞
意味 バーオーク
medium to large deciduous oak of central and eastern North America with ovoid acorns deeply immersed in large fringed cups; yields tough close-grained wood
和訳例 - バーオーク
- フリンジドオーク
- クマガシ
同義語 - mossy-cup oak
- bur oak
- burr oak
- mossycup oak
- quercus macrocarpa
上位語 any of numerous Old World and American oaks having 6 to 8 stamens in each floret, acorns that mature in one year and leaf veins that never extend beyond the margin of the leaf