present perfectの語源
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present perfectの主な意味と例文
- 1形容詞
意味 - 現在完了形
- 完了形
- 過去完了形の表現
refers to a tense used to express an action that happened at an indefinite time in the past or that began in the past and continues in the present
例文 I have eaten breakfast.
She has seen that movie.
present perfectのWordNet
- 1名詞
意味 現在完了形
a perfective tense used to express action completed in the present
和訳例 - 現在完了形
同義語 - present perfect
- present perfect tense
例文 `I have finished' is an example of the present perfect
「I have finished」は現在完了形の一例です
上位語 a tense of verbs used in describing action that has been completed (sometimes regarded as perfective aspect)