spearnose batの語源
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spearnose batの主な意味と例文
- 1名詞
意味 - 長鼻バット
- 槍鼻コウモリ
- スピアノーズバット
a species of bat found in Central and South America, known for its distinct elongated nose. It plays a role in pollination and insect control.
例文 The spearnose bat helps control insect populations.
Researchers study the spearnose bat's role in pollination.
spearnose batのWordNet
- 1名詞
意味 槍鼻コウモリ
New World bat with a pointed nose leaf; found from southern United States to Paraguay
尖った鼻葉を持つ新世界のコウモリ; 南アメリカの南部からパラグアイにかけて生息
和訳例 - 槍鼻コウモリ
- スピアノーズバット
- ノーズリーフバット
同義語 - spearnose bat
上位語 bat having a leaflike flap at the end of the nose; especially of the families Phyllostomatidae and Rhinolophidae and Hipposideridae
被構成員 type genus of the family Phyllostomatidae