tupelo treeの語源
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tupelo treeの主な意味と例文
- 1名詞
意味 - トゥーペロの樹
- テュペロの木
- ユーカリ属の木
a tree in the family Nyssaceae, found in North America, known for its hardwood and fruits
例文 The tupelo tree is known for its vibrant fall colors.
He carved a beautiful sculpture from tupelo tree wood.
tupelo treeのWordNet
- 1名詞
意味 ヌマガムの一種
any of several gum trees of swampy areas of North America
和訳例 - ヌマガムの一種
- トゥペロの木
- ガムの木
同義語 - tupelo tree
- tupelo
上位語 下位語 columnar tree of eastern North America having horizontal limbs and small leaves that emerge late in spring and have brilliant color in early fall
columnar swamp tree of southeastern to midwestern North America yielding pale soft easily worked wood
被構成員 tupelos: deciduous trees of moist habitats especially swamps and beside ponds
デイチェロ: 水分の多い生息地、特に湿地や池のそばに生息する落葉樹
構成物 pale soft wood of a tupelo tree especially the water gum