weeping tree broomの語源
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weeping tree broomの意味
- 1名詞
意味 柳の木のほうき
broom from weeping tree
a type of broom made from the branches of a weeping tree
和訳例 - 柳の木のほうき
- しだれ樹のほうき
- 樹枝製のほうき
例文 The gardener used a weeping tree broom to sweep the leaves.
She bought a handmade weeping tree broom at the market.
weeping tree broomのWordNet
- 1名詞
意味 シダレニュージーランドボロガヤ
small shrubby tree of New Zealand having weeping branches and racemes of white to violet flowers followed by woolly indehiscent two-seeded pods
和訳例 - シダレニュージーランドボロガヤ
同義語 - weeping tree broom
上位語 any of various shrubs of the genera Cytisus or Genista or Spartium having long slender branches and racemes of yellow flowers
被構成員 2 species of small New Zealand trees: weeping tree broom; endangered
ニュージーランドの小さな木の2種: ウィーピングツリーブルーム; 絶滅危惧種