country and westernの語源
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country and westernの主な意味と例文
- 1名詞
意味 - カントリー&ウェスタン
- カントリーミュージック
- ウェスタン音楽
a genre of popular music originating in the rural southern United States, featuring ballads and dance tunes played on instruments such as guitars, fiddles, and banjos
例文 She loves listening to country and western on the radio.
Country and western music has roots in folk and blues.
country and westernのWordNet
- 1名詞
意味 カントリーミュージック
a simple style of folk music heard mostly in the southern United States; usually played on stringed instruments
主にアメリカ南部で聞かれるシンプルなスタイルのフォーク音楽; 通常弦楽器で演奏される
和訳例 - カントリーミュージック
- カントリー
- カントリー音楽
同義語 - country and western
- c and w
- country music
上位語 the traditional and typically anonymous music that is an expression of the life of people in a community
下位語 country music originating in mountainous regions of southern United States
a type of country music played at a rapid tempo on banjos and guitars
music of southern Louisiana that combines French dance melodies with Caribbean music and blues