crt screenの語源
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crt screenの主な意味と例文
- 1名詞
意味 - CRTスクリーン
- ブラウン管ディスプレイ
- CRTディスプレイ
a display device using cathode-ray tube technology
例文 The old computer had a CRT screen.
CRT screens are bulky but reliable.
crt screenのWordNet
- 1名詞
意味 ブラウン管の表示画面
the display that is electronically created on the surface of the large end of a cathode-ray tube
和訳例 - ブラウン管の表示画面
- 電子スクリーン
同義語 - crt screen
- screen
上位語 an electronic device that represents information in visual form
下位語 a screen used to display the output of a computer to the user
(computer science) the area of the screen in graphical user interfaces against which icons and windows appear
(コンピュータ科学) グラフィカルユーザインタフェースにおいてアイコンやウィンドウが表示される画面の領域
構成要素 (computer science) a window for an active application
被構成要素 a vacuum tube in which a hot cathode emits a beam of electrons that pass through a high voltage anode and are focused or deflected before hitting a phosphorescent screen