figure eightの語源
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figure eightの主な意味と例文
- 1名詞
意味 - 8の字
- エイト字
- 数字の8形
a shape like a number 8
例文 He drew a figure eight on the paper.
The skater performed a perfect figure eight.
figure eightのWordNet
- 1名詞
意味 フィギュアエイト
a skating figure that carves an 8 in the ice
和訳例 - フィギュアエイト
- 八の字スケート
同義語 - figure eight
上位語 a predetermined set of movements in dancing or skating
- 2名詞
意味 8の字結び
a knot having the shape of the numeral 8; tied in a rope that has been passed through a hole or pulley and that prevents the rope from coming loose
8の字の形をした結び目; 穴や滑車を通したロープに結ばれ、ロープが外れないようにする
和訳例 - 8の字結び
- フィギュア8ノット
- エイトノット
同義語 - figure eight
- figure of eight
上位語 any of various fastenings formed by looping and tying a rope (or cord) upon itself or to another rope or to another object
- 3名詞
意味 8の字
a two-dimensionsal figure having the shape of the number eight
和訳例 - 8の字
- 八の字
同義語 - figure eight
- figure 8
- figure of eight
上位語 a two-dimensional shape