genus episciaの語源
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genus episciaの主な意味と例文
- 1名詞
意味 - イワタバコ属
- エピスキア
- 属エピスキア
a genus of flowering plants in the family Gesneriaceae, native to Central and South America.
例文 The genus Episcia includes many colorful houseplants.
Episcia plants are known for their ornamental foliage.
genus episciaのWordNet
- 1名詞
意味 エピスキア属
genus of tropical American herbs having soft hairy foliage
和訳例 - エピスキア属
- エピスキア
- エピスシア
同義語 - genus episcia
上位語 genus of more or less advanced dicotyledonous herbs and some trees and shrubs
構成員 any plant of the genus Episcia; usually creeping and stoloniferous and of cascading habit; grown for their colorful foliage and flowers
エピシア属の植物; 通常、匍匐性および匍匐茎を持ち、瀑布状に伸びる習性がある; 色鮮やかな葉や花のために栽培される
被構成員 large family of tropical herbs or shrubs or lianas; in some classification systems placed in the order Scrophulariales