insurable interestの語源
掲載についてはEnglishBattle公式X で更新情報を発信しています。
insurable interestの主な意味と例文
- 1名詞
意味 - 保険利益
- 保険にかけられる利益
- 損害が利益に影響するもの
A stake in the subject of the insurance such that damage or loss would cause financial harm to the holder
例文 To file a claim, the policyholder must have an insurable interest in the property.
You need an insurable interest to insure your partner’s life.
insurable interestのWordNet
- 1名詞
意味 保険利益
an interest in a person or thing that will support the issuance of an insurance policy; an interest in the survival of the insured or in the preservation of the thing that is insured
和訳例 - 保険利益
- 保険関係
- 被保険利益
同義語 - insurable interest