- 1名詞
意味 メープルシロップ
sweet syrup from maple sap
a type of syrup made from the sap of the sugar maple tree, commonly used as a sweetener for pancakes and waffles
和訳例 - メープルシロップ
- カエデシロップ
例文 She poured maple syrup over the pancakes.
Maple syrup is a popular topping for waffles.
- 2名詞
意味 カエデ
tree with colorful leaves
a type of tree with lobed leaves and often colorful foliage
和訳例 - カエデ
- メープル
- モミジ
例文 The maple tree is known for its vibrant autumn colors.
Maple syrup is made from the sap of sugar maples.
- 1名詞
意味 カエデ材
wood of any of various maple trees; especially the hard close-grained wood of the sugar maple; used especially for furniture and flooring
様々なカエデの木の材木; 特に砂糖カエデの硬く緻密な木材; 家具や床材に特に使用される
和訳例 - カエデ材
- メープルウッド
同義語 - maple
上位語 the hard fibrous lignified substance under the bark of trees
下位語 maple wood having a wavy grain with eyelike markings
被構成物 any of numerous trees or shrubs of the genus Acer bearing winged seeds in pairs; north temperate zone
多くの種類があり、ツバ状の実を2つセットでつけるカエデ属の樹木または低木; 北の温帯地域に生息
- 2名詞
意味 カエデ
any of numerous trees or shrubs of the genus Acer bearing winged seeds in pairs; north temperate zone
多くの種類があり、ツバ状の実を2つセットでつけるカエデ属の樹木または低木; 北の温帯地域に生息
和訳例 - カエデ
- モミジ
同義語 - maple
上位語 any tree having seeds and ovules contained in the ovary
下位語 a large Eurasian maple tree naturalized in North America; five-lobed leaves yellow in autumn; cultivated in many varieties
a common North American maple tree; five-lobed leaves are light green above and silvery white beneath; source of hard close-grained but brittle light-brown wood
北アメリカに広く分布するカエデ; 上面が明るい緑色で下面が銀白色の五裂葉; 硬く緻密だが脆い淡褐色の木材の供給源
maple of eastern and central North America having three-lobed to five-lobed leaves and hard close-grained wood much used for cabinet work especially the curly-grained form; sap is chief source of maple syrup and maple sugar; many subspecies
北アメリカ東部と中部に生息するカエデで、三つ葉から五つ葉の葉を持ち、固く密な木材で、特にカールした木目はキャビネット作業によく使われる; 樹液はメープルシロップとメープルシュガーの主な原料; 多くの亜種が存在する
maple of western North America having large 5-lobed leaves orange in autumn
maple of eastern North America with striped bark and large two-lobed leaves clear yellow in autumn
被構成員 type genus of the Aceraceae; trees or shrubs having winged fruit
構成物 wood of any of various maple trees; especially the hard close-grained wood of the sugar maple; used especially for furniture and flooring
様々なカエデの木の材木; 特に砂糖カエデの硬く緻密な木材; 家具や床材に特に使用される