opposite wordの語源
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opposite wordの主な意味と例文
- 1名詞
意味 - 反対語
- 逆の意味の単語
a word with opposite meaning
例文 'Hot' is an opposite word of 'cold'.
'Happy' is an opposite word for 'sad'.
opposite wordのWordNet
- 1名詞
意味 対義語
a word that expresses a meaning opposed to the meaning of another word, in which case the two words are antonyms of each other
和訳例 - 対義語
- 反意語
同義語 例文 to him the antonym of `gay' was `depressed'
上位語 a unit of language that native speakers can identify
下位語 antonyms that are commonly associated (e.g., `wet' and `dry')
antonyms whose opposition is mediated (e.g., the antonymy of `wet' and `parched' is mediated by the similarity of `parched' to `dry')
反意語の対立が仲介されているもの(例:'濡れている' と '乾ききっている' の反意性は '乾ききっている' と '乾燥している' の類似性によって仲介されている)