apostolic delegateの語源
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apostolic delegateの主な意味と例文
- 1名詞
意味 - 使節
- 代表者
- 教皇の代表
a representative of the Pope sent to a country to represent the Vatican
例文 The apostolic delegate attended the conference.
An apostolic delegate was appointed by the Vatican.
apostolic delegateのWordNet
- 1名詞
意味 使徒的代表
(Roman Catholic Church) a representative of the Holy See in a country that has no formal diplomatic relations with it
(ローマカトリック教会) 公式な外交関係を持たない国における聖座の代表
和訳例 - 使徒的代表
- 教皇代理
- 使徒代理
同義語 - apostolic delegate
上位語 a person appointed or elected to represent others
分野 the Christian Church based in the Vatican and presided over by a pope and an episcopal hierarchy