dead metaphorの語源
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dead metaphorの主な意味と例文
- 1名詞
意味 - 陳腐な比喩
- 古い比喩
- 意味を失った比喩
a metaphor so commonly used that it has lost its impact or original meaning
例文 The phrase 'time flies' is a dead metaphor.
'Break the ice' has become a dead metaphor.
dead metaphorのWordNet
- 1名詞
意味 死んだ比喩
a metaphor that has occurred so often that it has become a new meaning of the expression (e.g., `he is a snake' may once have been a metaphor but after years of use it has died and become a new sense of the word `snake')
頻繁に使われるようになった結果、初めの比喩的な意味が失われ、新しい意味として定着した比喩(例: "彼は蛇だ" はかつて比喩だったが、長年の使用を経て比喩的な意味が失われ、"蛇" という単語の新しい意味として定着した)
和訳例 - 死んだ比喩
- 陳腐化した比喩
- 労れた比喩
同義語 - dead metaphor
- frozen metaphor
上位語 a figure of speech in which an expression is used to refer to something that it does not literally denote in order to suggest a similarity