high energy physicsの語源
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high energy physicsの主な意味と例文
- 1名詞
意味 - 高エネルギー物理学
- 素粒子物理学
- 高エネルギー現象の物理
a field of physics that studies fundamental particles and their interactions at very high energies
例文 High energy physics explores the fundamental forces of the universe.
She specializes in high energy physics, focusing on particle accelerators.
high energy physicsのWordNet
- 1名詞
意味 粒子物理学
the branch of physics that studies subatomic particles and their interactions
和訳例 - 粒子物理学
- 素粒子物理学
- パーティクルフィジックス
同義語 - high energy physics
- high-energy physics
- particle physics
上位語 the science of matter and energy and their interactions
専門用語 (particle physics) a theory that involves an eleven-dimensional universe in which the weak and strong forces and gravity are unified and to which all the string theories belong
(素粒子物理学) 弱い力と強い力、および重力が統一された11次元宇宙を含む理論であり、すべての弦理論が属する理論
(physics) one of the six flavors of quark
(physics) one of the six flavors of quark
(particle physics) a theory that postulates that subatomic particles are one-dimensional strings