gestalt law of organizationの語源
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gestalt law of organizationの主な意味と例文
- 1名詞
意味 - ゲシュタルト組織化の法則
- 心の要素組織化法則
- 心理的組織化の原理
psychological principles explaining how minds organize elements
例文 Gestalt law of organization explains how we perceive patterns.
According to the Gestalt law of organization, we group similar objects together.
gestalt law of organizationのWordNet
- 1名詞
意味 ゲシュタルト組織化原理
a principle of Gestalt psychology that identifies factors leading to particular forms of perceptual organization
和訳例 - ゲシュタルト組織化原理
- ゲシュタルトの組織化原理
- ゲシュタルト心理学の組織化原理
同義語 - gestalt law of organization
- gestalt principle of organization
上位語 下位語 a Gestalt principle of organization holding that (other things being equal) parts of a stimulus field that are similar to each other tend to be perceived as belonging together as a unit
a Gestalt principle of organization holding that aspects of perceptual field that move or function in a similar manner will be perceived as a unit
a Gestalt principle of organization holding that (other things being equal) objects or events that are near to one another (in space or time) are perceived as belonging together as a unit
a Gestalt principle of organization holding that there is an innate tendency to perceive a line as continuing its established direction
a Gestalt principle of organization holding that there is an innate tendency to perceive incomplete objects as complete and to close or fill gaps and to perceive asymmetric stimuli as symmetric
被構成要素 (psychology) a theory of psychology that emphasizes the importance of configurational properties
(心理学) 配置の特性の重要性を強調する心理学の理論